Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pastor Jud Wilhite

Pastor Jud Wilhite is the Senior Pastor of Central Christian Church in Las Vegas, NV.  This church has locations that meet in prisons, and is revamping "Sin City". 

How to Stay Grounded

2 Corinthians 5:11-12

We are on an spiritual roller coaster in the dark.  We don't know where the ups and downs are.  We just know He is keeping us safe.

God knows where you are at and what you are going through.

Your responsibility before God is having a faithful and sincere heart.  Your responsibility is to have a spectacular promise. 

How to Stay Grounded

1 - Do a gut check.  (2 Corinthians 5:11-12)
     It's about being faithful to God.
     This will keep us grounded.

2 - Stay a little crazy for God.  (2 Corinthians 5:13)
     Ministry is messy because sin is messy.
     When you are stepping out in faith, it should be a little crazy.
     Don't make your crazy mandatory for others.

3 - Be compelled by Christ's love.  (2 Corinthians 5:14-16)
     You are dead. 
     What we deserve is hell, but He gave us grace.
     Go back to the place where you were saved!  Remember what it was like to be covered in sin, and then have a new life.
     I will not look back.  It won't be easy, but hang on.
4 - Focus on the task of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18)
     We have the best job in the world - sharing the Gospel.

This was an amazing message.  I felt as if this message most applied to the volunteers who are all in for the launch of Elevation - Rock Hill.  We have had and will continue to have many long days.  We need to stay grounded in our faith.  I was very thankful to hear Pastor Jud preach this message. 

I hope it helped. 

One more message from Newspring Leadership Conference.  I saved my favorite for last.  :-)

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