I Don't Just Go, I am the Church
To close out I Know He is, But What am I?,
each Elevation
Church location heard a message from someone different. Elevation-Blakeney
heard from Lysa Terkurst,
Elevation-Matthews heard from John Bishop, Elevation-Uptown heard from Joel Delph and Larry Hubatka,
Elevation-Rock Hill heard from Frank Bealer and Tim Fara, Elevation-Providence heard from Wade Joye, and
Elevation-University heard from Larry Brey. It was an amazing weekend at Elevation!!
I went to Elevation-Uptown for their 9:15
worship experience on Sunday morning to hear Joel Delph and Larry Hubatka preach. I, aslo, went to Elevation-Matthews for their 6:00 worship experience on Sunday night to hear John Bishop.
I couldn't miss out on hearing any of them preaching this weekend. John Bishop moved to Canada on Monday to start the first Elevation Church in a different country! His obedience to God is admirable. He was my campus pastor for over two years, and baptized me! I had to hear him preach for the last time at Matthews.
Just because you go to church, doesn't mean you are the church. Just because you go to the Bank of America Stadium, doesn't make you a Panther player.
When you just go to church you're an outsider looking in. When you are The Church, you're an insider reaching out.
When you just go to church, it's another thing to do. When you are The Church, it affects everything you are.
If you are a Christian, you can't not be a part of The Church.
When you just go to church, change is an inconvenience. When you are The Church, change is an invitation.
Love what you just read? Want to hear more?
The entire message can be found for free at 12:00, 4:00 and 8:00 (AM & PM)
here, or you can download the
podcast for free!
There is so much more to church than just Sunday attendance. Church is being involved, playing your part, and inviting people. John Bishop said, "If you are a foot, you are a foot. You can't become a hand." Meaning, God gave you a part to play in The Church. If you are a foot, be the foot in your church. Church involves community. Get together with people outside of Sunday's. At Elevation Church, we call them eGroups.
Church involves inviting people. When you are a part of something, you want the people around you to be a part, too! When you are a Christian, you should want the people around you to be Christians, too. Bring them to church with you. Be a bringer!!
Reader, be a part of the post!
What part of the Body of Christ are you playing? What part do you need to step up and play?
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