Friday, July 19th, 2013... My parents, my baby brother and I woke up early and headed to the nearest Penske rental place. We picked up the truck and drove to the storage unit. In extremely hot and humid weather, empty stomachs and no hydration we strategically packed up the truck. Water and some breakfast would have been a smart move, but nerves were high and we weren't thinking clearly.
Saturday, July 20th, 2013... We filled our tanks up with gas, filled our coolers up with ice, filled our bellies up with breakfast and started day one of a three day trip from Charlotte, North Carolina to Fort Worth, Texas. This day started out to a rough start. Thirty minutes into the trip, my brother realized he forgot his license... a vital part of his flight home. My mom and I turned around. Turning around and Charlotte traffic put my mom and I an hour behind my dad and brother.
We drove through South Carolina with ease. Georgia was not as kind to us. The traffic in Atlanta was everything I imagined it to be. Somehow or another, my dad and brother made it through Atlanta before the traffic. My mom and I got
another hour behind in Atlanta. Saturday night, we spent the night in Birmingham, Alabama.
Sunday, July 21st, 2013, we got back on the road. I am overly competitive, hate loosing and have a need for speed. Travelling with two cars made this quite a trip for me. Saturday started our journey off to a rough start, getting in after the truck and all... Sunday, I was determined to make it to Louisiana before my dad and brother. My mom and I peeled out of the parking lot before the GPS had made us a route.
The drive through Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana was
L O N G. There was a lot of large green pastures! We did pass over the Mississippi River! Louisiana's open roads brought realization that impromptu mother-daughter mani/pedi's, dinner dates and shopping trips were going to be few and far between, and not so impromptu anymore made my mom and I cry.
Monday, July 22nd, 2013... The day that I had been counting down for months, the day that I had been praying about for months, the day that I moved into my apartment on the campus of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Texas heat does not play! And, it showed no mercy to us on move in day.
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