It's that time of year! That time of year when we are more thankful than usual, posting daily about what we are thankful for on social media and when we forget a few days, we play catch up on one post. That time of year when it's acceptable to eat until we can't keep our pants buttoned anymore. That time of year when we tolerate family we wouldn't normally tolerate. It's Thanksgiving!
I have so much to be thankful for. I will not scratch the surface at all that I am thankful for in one post.
I am thankful for...
... my God. I would not have applied to SWBTS if it weren't for God. I wouldn't have moved to Texas upon acceptance to SWBTS. I would not have believed that I would be provided for upon moving to Texas. Nothing over the past year would have looked the same if God were not in my life. I am so thankful for a God who never gives up on me, never stops forgiving and has plans for me greater than I could ever imagine. I am thankful for a God who would choose me to do such great things.
... my wonderful family. They have supported me moving to Texas in every way I needed support. They support every decision I make. When I come home after being away for four months, they welcome me with open arms and eyes filled with tears. Being away for four months changes nothing, we still laugh with each other, laugh at each other, and have fun doing whatever we are doing. They encourage me. They believe in me. They love me. My family is fabulous!
... my Elevation Church family. When moving to Texas, I left behind an amazing support system of elevators. One of my biggest fears was losing friendships that meant the world to me. But, over the last four months, I've had the opportunity to learn that 1,000 miles can't separate the friendships I've made at Elevation. They encourage me when I'm struggling, they call me to catch up, and they send me snail mail!
... my LifeChurch family. When moving to Texas, I was terrified of how hard it would be to find a church, how hard it would be to make friends, and what getting involved in church would look like at a new church. LifeChurch.TV at Fort Worth welcomed me with open arms from day one. They made making LifeChurch my home one of the easiest decisions I've ever made. I'm so thankful for the fabulous group of friends I've made through LifeKids and my LifeGroup.
... my SWBTS family. When moving to Texas, I had no idea what to expect. I was leaving behind wonderful friendships, and fairly sure that I would never find as great of friends. Things haven't always been easy at SWBTS, but I am incredibly thankful for the group of friends that I have made at school.
... new opportunities. In the past year, I applied for a school over 1,000 miles away from my family, was accepted into seminary, stepped down after over three years of serving at Elevation Church, quit my job without knowing what was next, was blessed by my family offering me a job that is flexible and allows me to focus on school, moved halfway across the country, graduated college, began my first semester at seminary, found LifeChurch.TV, made an amazing group of friends at school, was able to fly home just when I was getting unbearably homesick, and so so much more. There have been more new opportunities in the past twelve months than I've had in my entire life. I've been stretched mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I've had to step outside of my comfort zone. But, it's been an incredible year.
... what is to come. There is no way for me to know what will come of the week to come, months to come and years to come. I am certain that the weeks and months and years to come will be fabulous. They will have moments of great struggles and great triumphs. I will eagerly await those moments, both enjoyable and not so enjoyable.
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