I Know He is, But What am I?
Student Takeover Edition
Sixteen & Pregnant
This is a bit from Pastor Steven's sermon this weekend...
1. It may not go as I'm expecting. But I am obsessed with who I am becoming.
2. It may feel lonely to stand for Christ. But I am never alone as I walk with Him.
4. It may be costly to do God's will. But I am confident in His reward.
You'll have to listen to the entire sermon to see how It may... But I am relates to the passage where the virgin Mary finds out she is pregnant, and why the sermon is titled Sixteen and Pregnant. The entire message can be found for free at 12:00, 4:00 and 8:00 (AM & PM) here, or you can download the podcast for free!
PS. You aren't reading that wrong. There is no point three. Pastor Steven rarely gets through all of his points. He shared number four instead of number three.
What I am munching on...
Have you ever felt drained? Have you ever felt like your body was running on empty and there was no where else for you to go? I was feeling that way this weekend. The enemy knows I have potential to do great things in my eStudents lives. The enemy was doing everything in its power to make sure that I didn't do those great things during Student Takeover. My body was tired from lack of sleep, but my heart was also tired from people running me down.
I sat in the 9:30 worship experience. Pastor Steven's fourth point, It may be costly to do God's will, but I am confident in His reward rocked my world. I needed those words. Preparing for Student Takeover weekend as well as the weekend itself was not only financially costly, but physically and mentally costly. That point, made me realize that it may be costly, but the reward is worth it.
I am being obedient to what God has called me to do, so that is totally worth it! God has uniquely positioned ME to impact their lives. I am making an eternal investment in my eStudent's lives. I have the opportunity to minister to them each week, pour into them and speak straight to their hearts! God has given me permission to change their lives. All costs aside, being a part of the eStudents at Elevation Church is always worth it!
Reader... What about those points stands out to you? What is your "It may... But I am..."?
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