January 2014
A bad habit I am going to break... checking social media 6549879546 times a day.
I would like to check social media sites no more than three times a day. Shocking, I know. But, if I don't share that goal with you, I will have no drive to do it!
A good deed I am going to do... spend a Saturday morning serving breakfast at a shelter.
I have a friend from church who is heavily involved in three different charities. I am going to pick one, and wake up on a Saturday morning for someone else.
A place I would like to visit... Trinity Trails.
I have heard that Trinity Trails are a great place to run or have some quiet time in Fort Worth. I keep saying that I am going to go over there sometime, and never do. This month, it is happening!
A book I would like to read... 20-Something, 20-Everything: A Quarter-life Woman's Guide to Balance and Direction by Christine Hassler
I will have to admit, I have never heard of this book. I just found it on a list of books that every 20-Something should read.
I am going to do better at... managing my time so that I have adequate time to work and study, while still making time for myself.
We will review on January 31!! I am hoping for much success with my goals and much success for you!
Chime In! What goals are you setting for yourself this year? How are you redefining goals?
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