Saturday, July 23, 2011

You asked...

Wayne from Writers in the Spirit asked, Your writing. What have you written? What motivates you to write? What do you aspire to write? When did you start writing? Who are your favorite writers?

When I was younger, I wrote poems.  I have not been inspired to write a poem in years.    For now, I just write on this blog. 

God motivates me to write.  He lays things on my heart, I type them as fast as I can to share with my blog followers.  Sometimes He lays something on my heart, I write it, but feel as if it shouldn't be shared for a while.  This, I feel is God's way of knowing that it was the right time for me to type it but not the right time for it to be read.  Sometimes, I will have something happen and know that I will write about it eventually but haven't figured out why, yet. 

My dream is to one day write a book. I don't know what I will write about, but I would love to be a published author. I don't have to become a New York Times best seller or anything, just publish a book!  I, also, think it would be amazing to get paid to write a blog.  It sounds wonderful, to get paid to write about what God lays on my heart... sigh.

I started writing after horrific incident when I was in 8th grade.  It was my way of getting out the hurt and pain that I was experiencing.

Favorite writers... That is a tough one.  My favorite blog to follow is Pastor Perry Noble.  I love his posts to leaders.  I always am challenged by them!  I loved Shel Silverstein growing up, and still enjoy reading his poems.  My favorite author is Clayton King.  And I wouldn't be a true Elevator if I didn't plug the Pastor in here somewhere!  Sun Stand Still by Pastor Steven Furtick changed my world. 

That was fun!  Blog followers, what else would you like me to write about?  Are there personal questions you have for me?  Are there any questions about religion or my beliefs on something that you would like for me to discuss? 

1 comment:

  1. whew! Glad you slipped 'Sun Stand Still' in there. Was worried there for a minute.)

    Thank you for replying to my questions.

    You want to be a published author? Join WritersInTheSpirit eGroup. We're publishing a book of selected writings from WITS members. It will help you when you publish a book on your own. You can publish one of your excellent blogs or something else. Currently we have poems, essays, blog entries and short stories. Why not join?

    I like reading your blog.

    I bet a story on your horrible incident in the 8th grade would be a good read.

    Another topic i'd like to see you address at some point in the future is how you hear from God. How do you discern the right timing? How can you tell when to share what is laid on your heart in your writing?
