Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Forgiving Sins

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed by thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive our debts, as wer forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.
Pinned ImageIf you have been in church for any length of time, you've probably said that prayer.  I can imagine that a majority of you recite it every weekend.  But, have you ever taken the time to break that line about forgiveness down?
And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
You've probably said that line in church more times than you can count.  I grew up in a church where we said it every weekend.  The entire congregation stood up and recited the Lord's prayer every Sunday.  But, have you ever thought about that verse?  Forgive as we forgive...
What if God forgave us as we forgave others?  Has anyone ever come to you seeking forgiveness, but you didn't offer it easily, or... at all?  What if you came before God in full repentance asking for forgiveness, but He didn't give it to you?  Is there someone who isn't in your life yet, but you need to forgive?
I couldn't shake this urgency to forgive everyone who I have yet to forgive after reading the Lord's Prayer in my quiet time last week.  All I could picture was myself standing before God sooner than I had hoped and I hadn't forgiven as I'd expect God to forgive me.
Who do you need to forgive in your life today?  You aren't promised tomorrow and the Bible says forgive me as I forgive others?
PS.  I did a whole week on forgiveness a while back.  Check out those; (Sermon Sunday, Forgiveness Is... , Forgiveness Is Not..., and Ephesians 4.)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Things I Can't Say

Today I am linking up with Things I Can't Say! But, if it were things she couldn't say, it would be blank. So, it's more like things she can't say out loud!

If you've been reading .Redeemed. for any amount of time, you know that I lead a middle school girls eGroup.  If you are new to .Redeemed. and that is new information to you, you should read those two posts.  Then, you'll be up to speed on my life as an eGroup leader to middle school girls.

Today, I am pouring my heart out with things that I can't say.  I consider myself highly blessed to be a part of the eStudents at Elevation Church.  The saying around Elevation is that we don't have a student ministry, we are a student ministry.  There are about 20 girls, with regular attendance at a little less than 15 each week in my eGroup.  They are fabulous girls, who desire to grow closer to God and learn as much as they can from our time together.  The weight that is on my shoulders is huge and I don't take it lightly!  I desire to grow as close to God, so I can lead them close to Him, I desire to be a strong Christian role model in their life who they respect and look up to, and I desire to be someone who they come to when they don't feel like they can go to their parents. 

But... every story has a but, right?  Lately, some of these middle school girls have really gotten into their middle school teenage selves.  And, it's not pretty.  They aren't the most polite young ladies, they say what is ever on their mind no matter how unkind it may be, and they have little respect for anyone in a position of authority.

I'll admit that I was a teenager once, and my mom will tell you those were not my finest years.  I would argue about every little thing to the ground, slam doors and back talk at every opportunity...

The problem is, I feel like I expect a lot more out of the girls. Their blatant disrespect for their parents, teachers and myself breaks my heart.  I know that they are greater than that, but I can't figure out how to pull that greater potential out of them.  I'll ask them to put their phones away, so they hide their phone behind a pillow, I'll ask them to not talk while someone else is talking, so they whisper behind their hands, I'll ask them to not be rude, so they say it's just the truth.

I've left eGroup frustrated beyond reason the last few weeks.  I feel like I'm failing as an eGroup leader.  I can't figure out how to get my old, beautiful, sweet and kind eGroup girls back.

Things I Can't Say... Out loud... For an hour and a half once a week, could you put being a teenager aside and show me a little respect?  For an hour and a half once a week, could you be sweet to your eGroup leader who lives in Uptown Charlotte, but comes to Rock Hill for you?  For an hour and a half once a week, could you respect and honor everyone who has come to eGroup? 

PS.  I do love them and the opportunity to be a part of their lives.  They are just testing me right now! 

Reader... Feel free to pitch in any advice on middle school girls for me!  Feel free to drop an encouraging comment.  Feel free to tell me that even though I feel like I'm not making a difference, I am making an eternal investment in your life.  Anything really!  I'd love to hear from you!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Still Munching

I Don't Just Go, I am the Church
To close out I Know He is, But What am I?, each Elevation Church location heard a message from someone different. Elevation-Blakeney heard from Lysa Terkurst, Elevation-Matthews heard from John Bishop, Elevation-Uptown heard from Joel Delph and Larry Hubatka, Elevation-Rock Hill heard from Frank Bealer and Tim Fara, Elevation-Providence heard from Wade Joye, and Elevation-University heard from Larry Brey. It was an amazing weekend at Elevation!!

I went to Elevation-Uptown for their 9:15 worship experience on Sunday morning to hear Joel Delph and Larry Hubatka preach. I, aslo, went to Elevation-Matthews for their 6:00 worship experience on Sunday night to hear John Bishop.
I couldn't miss out on hearing any of them preaching this weekend.  John Bishop moved to Canada on Monday to start the first Elevation Church in a different country!  His obedience to God is admirable.  He was my campus pastor for over two years, and baptized me!  I had to hear him preach for the last time at Matthews. 
Just because you go to church, doesn't mean you are the church.  Just because you go to the Bank of America Stadium, doesn't make you a Panther player.
When you just go to church you're an outsider looking in.  When you are The Church, you're an insider reaching out.
When you just go to church, it's another thing to do.  When you are The Church, it affects everything you are.
If you are a Christian, you can't not be a part of The Church.
When you just go to church, change is an inconvenience.  When you are The Church, change is an invitation.
Love what you just read? Want to hear more? The entire message can be found for free at 12:00, 4:00 and 8:00 (AM & PM) here, or you can download the podcast for free!

What I am munching on... Pinned Image
There is so much more to church than just Sunday attendance.  Church is being involved, playing your part, and inviting people.  John Bishop said, "If you are a foot, you are a foot.  You can't become a hand."  Meaning, God gave you a part to play in The Church.  If you are a foot, be the foot in your church.  Church involves community.  Get together with people outside of Sunday's.  At Elevation Church, we call them eGroups.

Church involves inviting people.  When you are a part of something, you want the people around you to be a part, too!  When you are a Christian, you should want the people around you to be Christians, too.  Bring them to church with you.  Be a bringer!!

Reader, be a part of the post! 
What part of the Body of Christ are you playing?  What part do you need to step up and play?

Monday, September 3, 2012

Munching Monday

Conflict Resolution
To close out I Know He is, But What am I?, each Elevation Church location heard a message from someone different.  Elevation-Blakeney heard from Lysa Terkurst, Elevation-Matthews heard from John Bishop, Elevation-Uptown heard from Joel Delph and Larry Hubatka, Elevation-Rock Hill heard from Frank Bealer and Tim Fara, Elevation-Providence heard from Wade Joye, and Elevation-University heard from Larry Brey.  It was an amazing weekend at Elevation!! 
I went to Elevation-Blakeney for their 6:45 worship experience on Saturday night to hear Lysa Terkurst.  And, I do not regret doing that!  She is an amazing woman of God, who speaks and writes with such openness and honesty with a bit of humor mixed in.  

4 Reactions in Conflict

1. Exploder Who Blames Others
Proverbs 10:19 - Pause before reacting.
2. Exploder Who Shames Themselves
Proverbs 12:19 - Add perspective
3. Stuffer Who Builds Barriers
Proverbs 10:18,21 - Build boundaries instead of barriers
4. Stuffer Who Collects Retaliation Rocks
Proverbs 10:14 - Am I trying to prove I'm right or improve the relationship because I can't do both?

Love what you just read? Want to hear more? The entire message can be found for free at 12:00, 4:00 and 8:00 (AM & PM) here, or you can download the podcast for free!

What I am munching on...
Pinned ImageWithout a doubt, I am a stuffer.  My roommate and I went to see this sermon together, and she looked at me when Lysa began talking about stuffers.  Lysa said that stuffers favorite four letter word is F-I-N-E.  Oh, how true!! My roommate looked at me, and said, "I can tell when you are not fine."
Lysa went on to say that stuffers are peacemakers.  It may be a bad quality, but the good that comes out of it is peace making.  It is so true!  All I want to do is have peace in relationships.  I resist conflict.
I need to learn to build boundaries instead of boundaries and ask myself what I am trying to do in the relationship.  I don't want to ruin relationships because of my stuffing.  What happens is I stuff and then I explode.  Those are not good conflict resolution skills techniques.

Reader, get involved! What is your conflict resolution technique?  How do you relate to this sermon?