Thursday, October 11, 2012

Wrecked Pt. 2

Yesterday, I told you about an opportunity that God put into my hands, that I immediately walked away from.  Today, I'm going to tell you about what happened shortly after I walked away from this opportunity.

I went to church that Sunday on a mission to make sure everyone knew that I did not want to step into this position, I was only doing it because my servants heart.  But, my servants heart was only going to serve until someone else qualified came around.  I was successful in my mission.  When I left that Sunday, everyone knew that I was not interested in stepping away from my role in eKidz to serve in this Volunteer Boot Camp role.

I was rethinking my actions and realized how I resembled a thirteen year old spoiled brat.  I was walking around figuratively stomping my feet about this opportunity.  When in actuality, it was a high honor that I would be asked to take this position.  My associate campus pastor took time out of his Saturday to call me and ask me to take this position on.  He said that he was looking for someone to set the bar high, and I was that person.

This is about that time that God began to slap me across my face.

I realized that I was making a bigger deal about the fact that it was something that I wasn't interested in.  I wasn't at all acknowledging the fact that it isn't always going to be about me.  But, it will always be about God's greater good.  It will always be about growing the Kingdom of Heaven.  I've been offered a unique opportunity to have a hands on part of getting people plugged into the great movement of God that is Elevation Church.
As soon as I made this realization, I was wrecked.  I had made a fool of myself in front of several people who I look up to.  I had embarrassed myself.  The moment I had a fresh mindset, I began to get pumped about this role.  I can't wait to be a part of the launch of this new program at Elevation - Uptown.
What opportunity has God given you the unique opportunity to do something great in and through, and you walked away from?  How can you reevaluate this great opportunity?

1 comment:

  1. Very thought-provoking piece. You do realize that it is rare for someone so young to have such self-awareness... to be able to look deep into yourself and recognize shortcomings, mistakes, whatever one wishes to call them. You should not be embarrassed that at first, before consideration, you were not as 'thrilled' or enthusiastic ~ I am proud that you gave it greater consideration, that you are now 'pumped'!

    May the Lord bless you and keep you.
    May the Lord make his face to shine upon you,
    and be gracious to you.
    May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
    and give you peace.
