Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Twenty - Three Check In

Back in December, after I turned 23, I posted twenty three goals for myself this year.  I'm much better with goals on my birthday, as opposed to New Year's Resolutions.  I don't know why.  Thought you'd enjoy to know where I am at in my goals...

1. Finish my last twelve classes at Liberty University Online with a bang
I'm trucking along.  I finished the spring with 1 A and 5 B's.  I am enrolled in six summer courses.

 2. Start grad school or seminary
I'm going!!!

 3. Make and maintain a budget
Not so much

 4. Run two 5k's
Yeah, not happening at the moment.

 5. Live in the moment
Yes, yes, and yes!  I'm finding moments to live in every day.  I skip homework to be with friends when that's more important.  I put to do lists aside and just be here.  

6. Read the entire New Testament

 7. De-stress
Working on it.  Having to realize that some things are out of my control and I can't stress about those.  My strength is found in the Lord.

 8. Visit a new state (I have 44 to choose from)
When I make the trip from Charlotte to Fort Worth, I'll have a chance to visit several new states! 

 9. Learn to check my email and social media sites no more than three times a day
was doing better, not so much at the moment.

 10. Lose and keep off twenty-three pounds
I should probably have weighed myself at the time of making this goal, to know how I was doing.  Whoops.

 11. Read ten books for leisure
I've read five and am reading a sixth right now!  This is huge for me!

 12. Take pictures regularly
I'm trying.  Haven't taken as many as I'd like, but doubt I could ever.

 13. Laugh until I cry

 14. Spend the weekend in Aiken
I spent the weekend down there for my best friends graduation.  Still praying that God will lead me back there one day.

 15. Create opportunities for God to move mightily
I created a huge opportunity through applying to seminary in Texas.  Daily, he moves mightily through this and I love it!

 16. Learn to white water kayak
I wish!

 17. Spend some QT with Victoria before she moves
We didn't spend as much time as I would have liked, but I got some quality time in with her!  She's in Germany now and I miss her like crazy!

 18. Follow God's lead
This one is huge and happening. 

 19. Have enough faith to believe that God can make my Sun Stand Still prayer come true
Working on having enough faith for this.

 20. Visit Charleston at least twice
Not there yet.

 21. Get my second tattoo
I still have to figure out where...  So many options!

 22. Find time for me once a week
I was doing really great at this one, too.  Baths, book reading, shopping alone... School is kicking my butt and not giving me much time for this.  But why do I make excuses?  Once a week for me is not much.

 23. Live a life that glorifies God at all moments
I'll never fully know if I'm succeeding at this.  But, I'm trying and my motives are for His glory not mine or anything worldly.  I'll know in Heaven...

How are you coming along in your goals for the year 2013!?

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