Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pastor Judah Smith

Pastor Judah Smith is the lead pastor at The City Church in Seattle, WA. He has come to Elevation before, and he just has an amazing way to combine humor and the Truth.

He preached from Mark 4:35-5:1 and Mark 6:45-53. His sermon was titled "Matters of the Meantime." He spoke on Are we there yet?

In these passages it says when and then. It does not say when when is - because nobody knows. What do you do when you are not where you used to be and not where you want to be? The "meantime" matters to God. It is impossible for us to get to the other side without Christ. The book of John says that in the storm they got 3 miles on an 8 mile river. They did not even get half way without God! ***Please read that again.*** The men were not even able to get half way without God! The first step to getting 'there' is admitting that you are not 'there' Some think that only the spiritual elite get o the other side (Mark 6:52). The only thing that these hard hearted men did was stay in the boat. STAY IN THE BOAT! Being delayed doesn't mean you have been denied. Read Galatians 6:9, praise God, and STAY IN THE BOAT.

When you were tired and had no strength, you're Father picked you up and put you where you needed to be

Pastor Judah's sermon was another very moving sermon for me. There have been moments when I wanted to get out of the boat. I wanted to tell God that He was crazy, and that I could not handle what He had told me to do. I am happy that I am in the boat.

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