Saturday, October 29, 2011

My times are in Your Hands

My times are in Your hands...
Psalm 31:15

My times are in Your hands... I have stopped searching for Mr. Right.  I do not expect that Mr. Right will come knocking on my door one day.  I do expect that the Lord will put me where I need to be to meet Mr. Right. 
My times are in Your hands... I have stopped actively searching for a job that is spiritually, intellectually and emotionally fulfilling.  I love being a nanny.  I am certain that when my life is where it is suppose to be, He will reveal a job to me that is spiritually, intellectually and emotionally fulfilling.

Well, there are some people in my life who seem to think that letting God take care of my life is crazy.  I constantly hear, "God is busy, Keirstin,"  "Just get out there, Keirstin," "I just want you to be happy,"  "So, any boyfriends?  You interested in anyone?" 

My responses to these people is always the same.  "God isn't too busy for me,"  "I don't have time to get out there,"  "I am happy.  And, I surely don't need a man in my life to make me happy, " and "No and no!"

Well, last night my mom began evaluating how I spend my time.  She told me the things that I should cut out to make time for searching for Mr. Right.  This hurt.  Yeah, I am a busy girl.  I work a lot.  I am heavily involved in activities for Elevation during the week.  But, these are NOT things I am willing to sacrifice right now.

My times are in Your hands... I will not step down from my position at Elevation to spend time searching for a man.  I will not leave the eGroup I attend to spend time searching for a man.  I will not leave my middle school girls eGroup to spend time searching for a man.  And the most time consuming part of my life, work.  I will not quit my job to spend time searching for a man.  When my lie is where it needs to be to find a man, He will begin lightening my load. 

This is what the Lord says,
"In the time of My favor I will answer you,"
Isaiah 49:8

Please note that Isaiah 49:8 says NOTHING about our timing.  He will answer our prayers in the time of His favor.  

To all the single people reading this -
Who is questioning your motives on being single?
Who is questioning your motives about your approach to meeting someone?
Who is bringing you down?
Have you began sacrificing things that are important to you, to go out and search for a partner?

Guess what, the only One who has the authority to question how we are doing things is our heavenly Father!

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