Friday, January 11, 2013

Reflection Friday

If you are new to .Redeemed., I lead a middle school girls eGroup. Thursday evenings with the girls is one of my favorite parts of the week. They are an amazing group of girls and they teach me as much as I teach them.

Icebreaker: What are your new years resolutions?

Discussion Highlights:  This week, being the first time we met for 2013, I wanted to set the stage for a better year than we ended on last year.  Last year, we ended on a rough note.  The girls are coming to eGroup to hang out and not to study God's word.

Pinned ImageAfter discussing goals for 2013, we discussed some biblical scriptures representing standards that we should be held accountable for as Christians.  We are called to a higher standard, not to be stumbling blocks, and to live lives that glorify God. 

Closing:  We closed by praying together, and talked about our next outreach project.

During the Week: For the next three weeks, we will be doing one week Bible studies on various topics.  My goal is to get the girls to begin reading their Bible on a regular basis.  This week, we will be reading YouVersions "Student Leadership" Bible study.

Next Week:  We will discuss what we read in our study on student leadership during eGroup.
Personal Reflection: The evening didn't go as I'd planned.  As we're talking about not being stumbling blocks to one another, two girls are having [ not so quite ] side conversations about something unrelated.  This was a little frustrating.  I'm strategizing on how we can fix this.  Longer eGroup meetings?  Different days?  New location?!  They're too comfortable.

[ Side Note ] - If you'd like a copy of the standards I'm holding the girls accountable for this year, I'd be more than happy to send them to you.  You can email me at redeemebdblog[at]yahoo[dot]com!

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