Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ephesians 4

How To Hug A Vampire

This weekend at Elevation Church, we had the privilege of hearing from Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, WA. His sermon was so powerful, that I had to spend the week exploring it on the blog. I hope you are able to gain something from it. If you are inspired by anything you read, please stop by the Elevation Network to hear the message. It plays every four hours all week! 

A Walk Through Ephesians 4:22-32

Ephesians 4:22-32 is the passage that Pastor Mark preached from on Sunday.  He said that this is the passage that he uses most when discussing forgiveness.  In these ten verses, Pastor Mark unpacked so much.  I had to take a day to post what he said.

Verse 22-24  - You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Pastor Mark made an analogy along these lines... When we get dress ourselves, we are trying to reflect our personality through our clothes.  We are clothing ourselves to be who we are.  In the same manner that we physically dress ourselves, we should spiritually clothes ourselves in Christ.  We should act as if we are dressed in Christ, because in a sense, we are!

Verse 25-27 - Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.  In your anger do not sin.  Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.  Do not let the devil have a foothold.

Anger is not a sin.  We all have a right to emotions.  We can be angry.  But, we need to watch our anger, because anger can lead to sin. 

Verse 28 - Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.

We need to create new habits.  If we have been sinned against, and our natural response is anger, maybe we need to create a new habit.  Working out.  Serving someone else...  When you are in Christ, you act like Christ.

Verse 29 - Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

If you don't choose forgiveness, you chose bitterness.  If you didn't choose, you chose bitterness.  I will not choose bitterness. End of story!

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Forgiveness is Not...

How To Hug A Vampire

This weekend at Elevation Church, we had the priveledge of hearing from Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, WA. His sermon was so powerful, that I had to spend the week exploring it on the blog. I hope you are able to gain something from it. If you are inspired by anything you read, please stop by the Elevation Network to hear the message. It plays every four hours all week!

Forgivness is Not...
  1. ... denying or diminishing the sin.
  2. ... enabling.
  3. ... a response to an apology.
  4. ... covering up sin.
  5. ... forgetting.
  6. ... trust.
  7. ... reconcilliation.

Pinned ImageForgiveness is not a reponse to an apology. We are still called to forgive even if they don't apologize.

Forgivness is not trust. Trust is gained slowly and lost quickly.

Forgiveness is not reconcilliation. You can forgive without a friendship. Reconcilliation takes two people - the sinner has to apologize and the victim has to forgive.

I love that Pastor Mark said forgiving is NOT forgetting. We can't forget. We aren't supposed to forget. I believe that forgetting is naiive. Pastor Mark shared a time that a women in his church had been victimized by her father. She forgave him and then allowed her children to go spend time with him alone. He victimized her children. Forgetting is naiive.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Forgiveness is...

How To Hug A Vampire

This weekend at Elevation Church, we had the priveledge of hearing from Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, WA.  His sermon was so powerful, that I had to spend the week exploring it on the blog.  I hope you are able to gain something from it.  If you are inspired by anything you read, please stop by the Elevation Network to hear the message.  It plays every four hours all week! 

Forgivness is...
  1. ... cancelling a debt.
  2. ... removing that persons control of you.
  3. ... a gift for them and you.
  4. ... forsaking revenge.
  5. ... leaving ultimate justice to God.
  6. ... both a decision and a process.
  7. ... genuinelly wanting good for them.

Pinned ImageWhen I see this list of seven things that forgiveness is, there is one person who comes to mind.  She did sometihng that hurt me more than I can ever remembering being hurt.  She lied about me.  Because of what she did, there was a period of time that I doubted what God was doing in my life.

She has control over me right now.  Everytime I sit down to send an email, I doubt what I am saying because of what she said about me.  I get an overwhelming sense of anxiety and doubt everything I am typing. I used to be confident in who I am and what I had to say.

I see this list and realize that I need to make the decision to forgive her, and understand that it will be a process.  Everytime I doubt myself, because of the things she said about me, I will need to forgive her again and move forward. 

I will choose to forgive her.  It may not be easy.  Now, I just need to pray through what forgiving her looks like.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sermon Sunday

How To Hug A Vampire
How to Hug a Vampire Week Two
What Happens When You're the One Sinned Against
This weekend, the amazing Mark Driscoll spoke to Elevation Church.  He pastors Mars Hill Church in Seattle, WA.  I have had the privilege of hearing him speak two other times at the Newspring Leadership Conferences and knew that hearing him again was a high honor.  He preached a powerful message on forgiveness. 

- If you don't choose forgiveness you chose bitterness.  If you don't choose, you chose bitterness.

- God interacts with us for who we are in Christ, not who we are before Christ.

- God will straighten it out in the end.

Love what you just read? Want to hear more? The entire message can be found for free at 12:00, 4:00 and 8:00 (AM & PM) here, or you can download the podcast for free!
Pinned ImagePersonal Reflection: This message was so powerful to me, I will be spending the week blogging through the entire sermon.  Tomorrow, you will find a list of seven things forgiveness is.  Tuesday, you will find a list of seven things forgiveness is not.  Wednesday, you will read a walk through Ephesians 4:22-32. 

Pastor Mark's message hit home.  We all have people in our lives who we need to forgive.  There are a few people in my life who come to mind the moment that I think forgiveness, and the longer I think about it, a few more come to mind.  His message was perfect.  I can't wait to explore his message more with you this week.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sermon Sunday

How To Hug A Vampire
How to Hug a Vampire Week One
Matthew 16:18          Matthew 18:15     Galatians 6:1-5

Last weeks sermon on Saturday?!

This weekend, Pastor Steven Furtick opened up what I imagined to be a funny series with a hard hitting sermon at Elevation Church.

- Put down the magnifying glass and pick up a mirror.
- Before you can reach out to anybody else, you've got to define your own property lines.
- It is not unbiblical to draw boundaries in relationships.  Boundaries are biblical.
- Frustration is the gap between what I expect and what I experience.  You can lower expectations or let God fill the gap.

Love what you just read? Want to hear more? The entire message can be found for free at 12:00, 4:00 and 8:00 (AM & PM) here, or you can download the podcast for free!

Pinned ImagePersonal Reflection: Pastor Steven did it again!  It was so hard to pick a few points to write on here.  Everything Pastor said was noteworthy.  It was an amazing sermon.

I loved when Pastor talked about boundaries.  We all need boundaries in relationships, and I have been working at creating healthy boundaries with a few people in my life.

I, also, loved when he talked about frustration.  I have been frustrated with my current circumstances.  It is because I am holding onto two things. I need to pick one to let go of... what I expect or what I am experiencing.  I am going to let go and let God fill the gap.  I will not lower my expectations for my life.  Because, if I have high expectations, God has higher!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Reflection Friday

If you are new to .Redeemed., I lead a middle school girls eGroup Thursday evenings with the girls is one of my favorite parts of the week. They are an amazing group of girls and they teach me as much as I teach them.

Icebreaker: We celebrated Molly's birthday with hot dogs and fruit pizza before eGroup.  This was our icebreakers.

Discussion Highlights: This week, we discussed the last three sections of when God writes your love story. This chapter is titled "Against the Tide".

- Eric and Leslie's marriage started with a flea infestation, raccoons in the chimney, busted water pipe's and bronchitis.  If your marriage were to start like that, what would be your first instinct?  How would you handle it?

- What does dating mean to you?

- Is it okay to date?

Closing: I closed the evening in prayer.  I reminded them about the party we are having next week to celebrate the ending of the book.

During the Week: There is no assignment for the girls this week.

Next Week: We will gather for a party to celebrate finishing the book.  This is a huge milestone and we can't not celebrate it!

Personal Reflection: I was reminded this week why we moved snack to after eGroup.  The girls were not focused.  We had eight girls in attendance, but the amount of side conversations made it feel like we had fifteen.  It is hard to focus when there are girls having side conversations.

Personal Highlight: We finished the book!  We have been reading this book since November!  It may have taken us decades to finish, but we did, and the girls lives have changed because of it!  I wouldn't change the way we did it at all!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sermon Sunday

Mother's Day Sermon Sunday on Wednesday... eh!?

Mother's Day
Frustrations of a Fixer

The weekend of Mother's Day, Pastor Steven Furtick preached a powerful message on the frustrations of a fixer.  We can all find that fixer in our life and relate to this message.

- God completes us.  We can't complete someone else and someone else can't complete us.

- People were not created to fill the needs that God is suppose to fill.

- When you need affirmation less,  you can give affirmation more.

Did you enjoy what you just read?  That doesn't even scrap the surface on this great message.  Click here to hear the entire message.

Pinned ImagePersonal Reflection: This sermon was so powerful.  I am a fixer.  I find myself relating to Elkenah in 1 Samuel 1:4-8.  He thought that Hannah's problem had something to do with him.  When in actuallity, it had nothing to do with him.  I need to stop thinking that everyone else's problem has sometihng to do with me.  I can't compelte anyone.  That is God's role.
The happy ending to the 1 Samuel is that Hannah was able to have a child.  She brought her brokeness to God and he healed her pain.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Happily Married

Today, I am linking up with Things I Can't Say...  If it were things we can't say, the blog would be blank.  So, it's more like things we can't say out loud.  Although, I probably could and should say this out loud, but I'd rather write it down!

Last week, I was talking to some moms about my fear of marriage.  I said something along the lines of, I haven't seen many people around me happily married people around me.  Their response was to laugh out loud and say, "That is Cinderella, Keirstin!"

Well, the more I thought about that comment, the more bothered I was by it.  I want to be happily married.  I don't want a perfect marriage, but I want a happy one.  I am not so naive to think that marriage is a sunny, daisy-lined, walk in the park.  I know my husband and I will disagree.  I know we won't always see eye-to-eye on everything.  But, my heart desires a happy marriage.  Psalm 37:4 says, if I delight in the Lord, He will give me the desires of my heart! 

Pinned ImageA happy marriage to me is a marriage that looks something like this; never going to bed mad at the other, praying together, serving one another, respecting one another, knowing how to effectively communicate with one another, and always loving one another no matter what is going on. 

A happy marriage to me is a God centered marriage.  In a God centered marriage, a spouse does not lean on or depend on a spouse for anything, they lean on and depend on the Lord.  The Lord provides.  This way, no one is set on a pedestal and expected to do things that are impossible.

As the devil was beginning to get in my head, and I was beginning to think that I was out of my mind to be expecting these things in a marriage, I turned to the Bible.  What does the Bible say about marriage? 

Acts 20:35 says, It is more blessed to give than to receive.  This tells me that I should serve my husband.  I should give our marriage my all! 

Philippians 2:3 says, Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.  Rather in humility value others above yourselves.  This tells me that I should honor and respect my husband more than myself.  I should value him more than I value myself. 

Ephesians 5:22-33 is a guideline to a perfect marriage.  If I follow what the instructions of this passage, I will be set to have a happy marriage.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 is a beautiful description on what love is.  If I love my husband like this, we are bound to be happily married.

I don't know what it was about the moms comment that upset me so much.  But, I do know that no matter who laughs at me or who tells me it is ridiculous, I am going to hold out for a God-written, God-centered, happy marriage. 

I'd like to thank the author of this post for helping me effectively communicate what I wanted to say about a happy marriage. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Reflection Friday

Reflection Friday on Tuesday... eh!

If you are new to .Redeemed., I lead a middle school girls eGroup Thursday evenings with the girls is one of my favorite parts of the week. They are an amazing group of girls and they teach me as much as I teach them.

Icebreaker: Introduce yourself and one random fact about yourself.

Discussion Highlights: This week, we discussed chapter fifteen of when God writes your love story. This chapter is titled "Against the Tide".
- How can you go against the tide and live a life for Christ?

- Daniel 6:4-23

- How will you confirm your decision to allow God to write your life story in a tangible way?

Closing: I closed the evening in prayer.  We discussed what the next two weeks of eGroup look like, and I gave out our summer calendar.

During the Week: The girls will be reading the last three parts of when God writes your love story, the epilogue, a poem Eric wrote for Leslie and the Q & A section.

Next Week: We will discuss the end of when God writes your love story during eGroup next week.

Personal Reflection: All things considered, this week went well.  We had record attendance.  Twelve was our last record, then this past month our numbers had plateaued between eight and ten.  We had thirteen girls at eGroup last Thursday!! The side conversations were frustrating, but we worked through them.

Personal Highlight: Clearly, thirteen middle school girls coming to hear what God says about how He can write their love story never gets old!  We ran out of chairs, and were pulling up bar stools. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


This post will be a bit different from the type of post that you are used to reading on .Redeemed. 

Yoforia is an amazing place to get frozen yogurt.  My roommate and I have one less than a mile from our house.  We love the convenience of having it so close.  We go to this Yoforia location at least once a week. 

My roommate always gets Taro with fruity pebbles.  Two weeks ago, we went in and they did not have fruity pebbles.  My roommate was very upset when one of the employees told her they would no longer be ordering fruity pebbles, being that she was the only person who got it. 

Side note - I am slightly obsessed with twitter.

I came home and twitted @Yoforia to let them know that we were upset about the lack of fruity pebbles.  Within fifteen minutes, they had tweeted me back with apologies, let me know they would look into it, and that they would be in that Friday.  I tweeted our thanks back. 

That Friday, my roommate and I returned expecting fruity pebbles.  We got there, and there were no fruity pebbles.  I quickly got on twitter and let them know.  I did not receive a response to this tweet.

The next Monday, my roommate and I were going to Yoforia.  I tweeted and asked if they would have fruity pebbles.  While we we were in the store, they called the location and asked if they had fruity pebbles.  They tweeted me back apologized for not having any.
My excited roommate for some fruity pebbles.

Later in the week, they tweeted me to let me know that they would be keeping a box in the back just for my roommate and I. 

How freaking amazing is this?!  I really wasn't trying to start a big hullabaloo, but the main reason we went to this frozen yogurt place was because they had fruity pebbles.

This Friday, my roommate and I went.  There were fruity pebbles, and my roommate was ecstatic.  The staff was very nice to us.

We tweeted our appreciation to whoever is behind the @Yoforia account.

Ahhh. The power of social media!  Business, get with it!  If you don't have a facebook page and a twitter, you need one!  Customers love a way to get in touch with you to thank you for doing good and let you know if things aren't up to par.

Yoforia - Thank you for getting fruity pebbles at the Myers Park location.  Thank you to the Myers Park location staff for always being kind to us.  We were hooked from the beginning when there were fruity pebbles and fabulous music playing.  But, y'all went above and beyond by making sure we had fruity pebbles.  We will forever be loyal customers of Yoforia!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Giving Up is Not an Option

Have you ever had a friend just fall off the face of the Earth?  You text them, receive no response.  You facebook them, receive no response.  You call, no answer.  They just disappear.

This happened to me recently.  I've known this person for over six months know.  I would consider us very close.  Then, one day, gone.  In my view, it was completely unexpected.

I can imagine that I am not alone.  This has happened to you too, right?

So, what do you do?  Do you give up?  Do you keep trying to reach this friend?  At what point does it turn into harassment?  How often do you reach out to this friend? 

I reached out once a week for three weeks.  I would send random texts.  I let her know that I was praying for, hoping she was having a good day, and that I missed her.  Right when I was about to give up, I felt God tell me to push on.  I sent one last text.  I let her know that I was ready to stop trying at this 'friendship'.  Finally, I received a response.  We had a misunderstanding and now everything is all good.

Communication was key in this problem.  She completely shut down because of a misunderstanding we had.  If she had come to me four weeks prior, there never would have been any trouble.

Moral of the story here?  Giving up is not an option.  If you truly care about the person who seems to have fallen off of the face of the Earth, press on. 

Your situation may be different than mine.  Maybe the person needs some space.  Give them a few weeks, and then reach out to them again.  But, if you truly care about this person, never give up!

Just think... what if God gave up on you every time you ignored Him? 

If God wouldn't do it to you, you shouldn't do it to someone!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Reflection Friday

If you are new to .Redeemed., I lead a middle school girls eGroup Thursday evenings with the girls is one of my favorite parts of the week. They are an amazing group of girls and they teach me as much as I teach them.

Icebreaker: There was no icebreaker this week, because the girls spent fifteen minutes begging me to tell them about the super amazing IMPACT event this summer for the Elevation Students.  I gave hints, but let the girls figure it out! It was fun.

Discussion Highlights: This week, we discussed chapter fourteen of when God writes your love story. This chapter is titled "Too Late?".

- What is the difference between mental, emotional and physical purity?

- Is it okay to have sex before marriage?

- What does it mean to truly repent?

Closing: I closed the evening in prayer.  I asked the Lord to give the girls courage to repent of any sins they need to be forgiven for.  I asked the Lord to give them the strength to stay pure until they are married, even if it is not what our culture says is normal. 

During the Week: We are attending a Knights game tonight.  It's pretty exciting that our eGroup has grown enough to were we can group rate for all of our events!  The girls will be reading chapter fifteen.  This is the last chapter of the book!  The girls were given a card to write to someone in the eGroup to encourage them on the road ahead of them!
Next Week: We will discuss chapter fifteen during eGroup next week.

Pinned ImagePersonal Reflection: This week was great!  The girls were focused, after they figured out what the eStudents summer event is.  We spent a majority of our time discussing

Personal Highlight: We had ten girls, and seeing a room full of people never gets old.  Having a steady stream of middle school girls come together once a week to hear what the Lord has put on my heart to say is an experience that I could not enjoy more and be more honored to do.  The girls have so much that they want to know about walking with Christ and it makes me so happy!  I have the opportunity to be a part of shaping their future.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Proud Momma

I have to brag on my eGroup girls for a moment.  I am so proud of each and every one of them.  They are asking God to script their love story, inviting friends to church, volunteering in their sweet spot, and seeking time with God on a daily basis despite basketball, cheerleading and homework.
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Matthew 5:13-16 says that we are to be the salt and light of the world.  Today, I am writing about one girl who is being the salt and light of the world to a neighbor and one girl who is going against all odds to learn more about God.

Molly is 12, has been coming to eGroup since November and volunteers in the Children's Ministry at the Rock Hill campus. 

Dianah is 13, has been coming to eGroup since December and has been raised athiest.  Yes, you read that right.  She has been raised atheist and attends our eGroup. 

Molly and Dianah are neighbors.  Dianah joined our eGroup per the invitation of Molly.

Molly was asking God to reveal the lost people in her life.  Dianah was the first person that came to her mind.  Let me quote the text that I received from Molly at midnight last week.

... me and dianah were facetiming and i just jumped in and said lets do a devotion together and i asked if that made me a crazy christian but she liked the thought so she said lets read the bible over the summer and dig deap into our faith together lets help eachother out through this so i wanted to let you know me and dianah are diving into faith and taking baby steps in but well get there and we want to thank you for drawing us closer to god when we both needed it the most thank you so much we love you!

I sent an encouraging response.  I let her know how proud I was of her for stepping out in faith by asking Dianah to do a devotion with her.  Then, I got this text...

i was in my prayer journal and it asked me who was far from god in my life and dianah and i were facetiming and i asked her if she would call herself far from him and she said yes and i said ur going to start going to church with me and she said thats not going to help and thats when we both just started talking about journals and the bible and how easy it is to talk to him when we need him and i was very happy she said "but i really want to be closer to him."

I get chills up and down every time I read those texts.  I locked them in my phone, so that I can have them to read whenever!  Because Molly has been inviting Dianah to eGroup and talking to her about God and the Bible, Dianah, a girl who has been raised atheist is seeking Christ.

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This is why Elevation exists.  So that people far from God will be raised to life in Christ.   I am by no means saying that the battle is over.  The road ahead for Dianah is not going to be an easy one.  She will have to stand up for what she believes on a regular basis to her family.  Dianah could be the light to her entire family.

I am proud of Molly for doing as Matthew 28:16-20 says.  This verse commands us to go.  Molly is going!  I am proud of Dianah for believing what she has been hearing and wanting to know more despite how she has been raised.

I am a proud momma to my eGroup girls.  They make me so proud.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Giveaway Results

*Insert Drum Roll*

The results are in.  Commenter number one is the winner. 
Congratulations Katera!
I will be emailing you this week!

PS.  Y'all make me sad.  59 page views on the giveaway post, and only eight comments?  Sigh.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sermon Sunday

Waiting Room Trailer

Waiting Room Week Four
Hubs & Spokes, Holding Patterns and the Supernatural Date Line

This weekend, Pastor Steven Furtick preached an amazing message at Elevation Church on the times when God makes us wait.  Last week, he preached about the times when God is waiting on us.  He mentioned that he is not being biblically bi-polar.  There are times when God is waiting on us to move, and there are times when we have to wait on God.

- Often you have to go through the process to get to the place.
- ABC's of Waiting: A is fun and exciting. LMNOP can seem like HelLMNOP because you are waiting. Z is a sign of fulfillment.
- God doesn't put you in a holding pattern to punish but to protect.
- God calls what is happening today as it has already happened.

Love what you just read? Want to hear more? The entire message can be found for free at 12:00, 4:00 and 8:00 (AM & PM) here, or you can download the podcast for free later this week!
Pinned ImagePersonal Reflection: Geeze. Another sermon just for me.  This was my favorite sermon of the entire Waiting Room series.  My favorite point in this message was the second - Holding Patterns
I can't help but feel as if I am in a holding pattern right now.  I can see where God has called me to be, but I am in the air, not down there.  I have to learn how to patiently wait while I am in the LMNOP.  I have to take comfort in the fact that God is doing this to protect me.  He isn't trying to punish me for anything.

This point really stuck out out to me, because I have felt as if God was punishing me for taking matters into my own hands and being over zealous about a situation for a long time now.  He isn't trying to punish me.  He is protecting me.  I have to see it as protection.  He has promised it to me.  It will come.  I am in the holding pattern to grow and learn before the time is right.  I should be thankful for the protection!

Where are you?  Are you waiting on God? Is God waiting on you?

Friday, May 4, 2012

Reflection Friday

If you are new to .Redeemed., I lead a middle school girls eGroup Thursday evenings with the girls is one of my favorite parts of the week. They are an amazing group of girls and they teach me as much as I teach them.

Icebreaker: What do we want to do this summer? Fun activities and Bible studies?

Discussion Highlights: This week, we discussed chapter thirteen of when God writes your love story. This chapter is titled "Playing for Keeps".

- Ephesians 6:1-3

- How is your relationship with your parents?  Do you feel comfortable talking to your parents about boys, dating and relationships?

- If you don't have a parent you can confide in, who do you have in your life to turn to for Christian counsel?

Closing: I closed the evening by challenging all of the girls to sit down with their parents to talk about their future husband.  They all said that this will be awkward.  I closed in prayer.  I asked God to give them each the strength to talk to their parents about their future husbands. 

During the Week: We will attend an eStudent Cook Out after the 11:15 Worship Experience at the Rock Hill campus of Elevation.  We will sit down with our parents and ask them to begin praying for our future husband.  We will be reading chapter fourteen. 

Next Week: We will discuss chapter fourteen during eGroup next week.

Personal Reflection: We had much smaller numbers this week.  Several of the girls had commitments that they could not get out of.  Smaller numbers are nice some times, though.  The discussion went great! 

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Personal Highlight: Hearing the girls talk about how they know that they are able to go to their parents, but still feel as if it is uncomfortable or awkward to talk about religion.  (The highlight is the knowing part.)  I love that they know that they can go to their parents to talk about religion and boys and relationships, or just anything!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


I must take a minute to write about how thankful I am to be where I am right now. 

I have friends who tweet about having a favorite day of the week.  I feel so blessed to not be able to pick a favorite day of the week.

Pinned ImageSundays are fabulous because I get to spend the morning serving in eKidz at the Elevation Uptown campus.  I get there at 7:45 and don't leave until 1:30.  It is a blessing to be able to spend my Sunday's being a part of teaching the younger generation how to love Christ. 

Mondays are amazing because I get to see the kids I nanny.  This may be strange to some, but I love my job.  I miss being away from the kids on the weekend. 

Tuesdays are great because I get to see the three year old I nanny get excited about dance.  I get to spend Tuesday evenings with an amazing group of twenty-something college students.  This is the eGroup that I am in.

Wednesdays are wonderful because I devote my evenings to creating an outline for the eGroup that I lead.  I love pouring my time into what God is going to do in those middle school girls lives. 

Thursdays are epic because I get to see twelve amazing middle school girls.  They are going to change the world.  I love getting to spend Thursday evenings with them.  God is doing great things in their lives and I love having a front row seat to it!

Fridays are exceptional because, well, they are Fridays.  Who doesn't love a Friday?!

Saturdays are perfect because it is my day of rest.  I wake up as late as possible.  I lay around in my pajamas all day.  I take a nap.  I do some homework.  I go to church in the evening. 

I am truly blessed to be where I am right now.  I don't have a favorite day of the week, because they are all wonderful!  God has truly blessed me.

I am not posting this as a way to show you how my life is better than yours.  I am posting this to show you that your life is great, too.  If you can't see that right now, take a step back and look at what is around you.  God has truly blessed each and every one of us.  We just have to be open to see what
God has blessed us with.

How has God blessed you??