Monday, January 10, 2011

One Week Check Up

I meant to do this yesterday, but yesterday was a busy busy day. So, here is my week one check up. How am I doing on what God has put on my heart to do in January.

- Allowing me to take a step down from leading a small group and join a woman's group
I have joined Nicki Koziarz's group. It is for "20 somethings seeking truth". Nicki is amazing. I am so excited about this group. Check the post where I talked about the group!!

- Encouraging me to make a daily commitment to read my Bible
:-( sadly I failed this week on this. I hate making excuses, but... this move has been stressful and I am trying to sublease my apartment. When I sit down to read, I can't shut my mind off from all the stress. I need to begin to work on this.

- Understanding and growth in my Bible reading
Again, I didn't do so well. More to come on this tomorrow.

- A stronger prayer relationship
I am working on this. I am spending quiet time in the car waiting to hear from God. This is something that I learned from a Clayton King book. I need more quiet time. I want to hear from God instead of telling Him my wants and needs. I am seeking direction from Him.

- Encouraging me to get healthy in January (NO MORE FAST FOOD!!)
I am so proud of myself on this one. I ate fast food two times this week. Both times I had Chick-Fil-A. From the lack of fast food, and the Special K diet I began, I lost 5 pounds in 5 days. I am eating Special K for breakfast and dinner. At lunch I am the hungriest. This is when I have been eating out. I am trying to eat a Special K protein bar for lunch and eat a healthy dinner at home.

So that is where I am at. Check back tomorrow for a post on my Bible reading.

1 comment:

  1. Chick fil-a is probably the healthiest fast food you can get. I'm proud of you!
