Monday, January 9, 2012

Winter Jam 2012

I am one week into blogging in 2012, and I am off track already.  I didn't post Sermon Sunday yesterday, and I won't be bringing that to you today either.  I went to Winter Jam 2012 last night.  I observed some interesting behavior there.  I'd love to tell you about what I found most interesting about the night.

To the left, you can see a picture from the inside of the arena of the line.

So, Winter Jam is a Christian concert that costs $10 at the door.  You can pay more to have tickets before hand, but the majority of the people who attend wait in line for several hours and pay $10 at the door.  Winter Jam has ten Christian artists perform.  The concert was over five hours long!  Isn't that an amazing deal?

Wondering what the interesting thing I observed was?? 

I don't know about you, but when I think about a group of Christians gathering, I imagine a group of pumped up kids ready to worship Jesus.  I don't see people trying to cut people in line, devising plans to distract the Event Staff so they could break the line.  I see clean conversations and everyone having fun.

Sadly, I saw little Christ-like behavior.  There were people smoking in line, dropping their cigarette butts on the ground and cutting people in line.  There was a lot of, "Oh, I'm with someone over there." and, "Yeah, I have a party of 32, so we should be up front." 

It breaks my heart that the younger generation is losing sight on how to act like Christ.  Where did this concept get lost?  I am reading a great book that goes into detail about what is changing.  Come back on Thursday for a post about why the younger generation doesn't know how to act like Christ.

What startles or worries you about the younger gerneation?


  1. It's not just your generation... I have experienced the behavior you describe for many generations. Some people call themselves "Christians" and others are 'Christ-like'...

    "Don't tell me you're a Christian, let me observe for myself."

    Waiting to hear what author of book you recommend has to say.

    Question: Did you enjoy the concert?

  2. Pendulum swing and too much choice, I think. Although, if you read stuff from history, you'll see that even the ancient Romans complained about their youths and how they didn't respect their elders, were rude, and in general were dragging society into the dumpster. :) Thanks for visiting me on my SITS day! :)

  3. The concert was great! Can't wait to share with you the author's as well as my thoughts on why this is happening! :-D
