Night Nine - Pastor Kevin Gerald
Galatians 4:8-9, 19
Be patient - God isn't done with you yet.
Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God (William Kerry)
Get daring. Be bold. Thing of the possibilities. Raise the bar!
Jesus always encouraged his disciples to attempt greater things.
It isn't all up to God and it isn't all up to us. God has decided to limit His involvement in our lives.
We cannot without God and God will not without us.
We can have it right in our heart but wrong in our head.
Jesus came to correct the BS in our lives.
In the same way we underestimate the effect of second hand smoking (53,000 die a year), we underestimate the effect of bad relationships!
Their stuff can get on you. Their offense, their attitude, their view of the world can become yours without you realizing it. Don't underestimate the power of bad relationships.
Night Ten - Bishop T.D. Jakes
Hebrews 4:15-16 and Luke 8:46 - Touched
What we have in Jesus is always better. He will increase, grow, add and multiply.
Your life can't be on a decline if you serve the Lord.
Don't doubt your worth in Christ. He shed His blood for you. YOU ARE SOMEBODY!
We have a High Priest who is accessible.
Sometimes your problem consumes your identity. We can quickly loose sight of His promise and begin worshipping the problem.
Sometimes He has to close every other door for us to turn to Him.
Faith starts at the point of human limitation.
We don't have to have an appointment to come to God.
Touch requires growth.
Night Eleven - Pastor James MacDonald
I suck at life. I had 100% attendence (attending at Blakeney or checking in at
Elevation Network. And, I threw it all down the drain last night. Forgive me please. I will listen to the sermon as soon as it is up! Trust me, I hated missing it and not having those notes!!
This is NOT from Night 12. Night 12 photos are not up yet. |
Night Twelve - Pastor Steven Furtick
1 Samual 16-17
When Jesus speaks to you, it is to your potential. He saw Simon (shaky) and called him Peter (rock).
Matthew 17 - Sometimes you have to get off of the mountain top.
We have to take this moment and turn it into momentum.
Don't miss the moment ahead of you by being paralyzed by what is behind.
When we magnify the moment behind, we dwarf the potential ahead.
Let's be grateful for a God who looks past our sin and still wants us.
I don't need to be qualified. He has called me.
It is possible to loose a blessing by being disobedient.
If you try to get ahead of God, He will shut the door. If you are disobedient to God, he will use someone else.
It is the moments that seem insignficant that prepare you for the most significant moments.
Insignificant assigniment = significant opportunity
Just whens omeone comes to bring you down, great things are about to happen in your life. (1 Samuel 17:27-29.

I can't express how grateful I am for Elevation Church and Pastor Steven. I am so humbled by the fact that I get to go to a church where the Pastor can just pick up his phone and text or call twelve of the greatest speakers in this world and they all say yes to come to Charlotte, NC for a revival.
I will not take this for granted.
I will never forget the last twelve days. Each sermon hit home in a certain way. It has been amazing.
I am forever grateful for a Pastor who is obedient to what God says. God told him to do a twelve night old school revival, and he did it. Lives were changed, people were baptized, people were inspired to do 2012 right. It was good!